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AQWA user force


    • 1262968043


      i met a problem when i used aqwa user_force through Python in Workbench. I strictly follow the process in the v232\aqwa\utils\ExternalForceCalculation\README, however, whether I start the time response from Workbanech or classic AQWA, the following problem occurs: PROBLEMUSINGREMOTEUSERFORCE.CONNECTIONTIMEOUT.ISSERVERRUNNING?. What is the reason? Thank you very much!

    • Ingrid M
      Ansys Employee



      Hello, you don’t seem to have the port number generated (file with a cfg extension).
      In a command window, could you try to start the server manually first: [your path to python]\python.exe  AqwaSocketForceExample.py? At least you can see if this part works. There is a python version available in your ansys install under the commonfile folder.
      When you run it from Aqwa workbench, you will need to ensure that the command you enter is correct and can start off the server correctly.
      I hope this helps.



      • 1262968043

        It works now,thank you very much

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