General Mechanical

General Mechanical

Topics related to Mechanical Enterprise, Motion, Additive Print and more.

apply the load slowly?


      I've been searching for a solution for the convergence issue and I found one suggesting to "Apply the load slowly". What does this mean exactly? Does it mean I should add more Loadstep instead of 1? (like in the pictures below)

      1. Apply force as constant


      2. define loadstep to 10 and use tabular data to apply forces



      If i understand correctly, applying the load slowly should mean ' add the number of loadstep to like 50 or 100 ' right?

    • peteroznewman

      That is one way to do it.

      A better way is to set Automatic Time Stepping to On and define Initial Substeps to be a large number, like 10 or 100 and in some cases, the Minimum Substeps to also be a large number, but potentially smaller than the Initial.  The Maximum Substeps just has to be an even larger number, but that doesn't force it to use that many, it is just an upper limit, whereas the Minimum Substeps is enforced.



      I understand now. Still cant solve the convergence issue though

    • peteroznewman

      There are many, many discussions on convergence failure. Search and you will find them.

      Here is one.

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