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AnsysWBU.exe crash when mechanical is closed in Ubuntu


    • Manuel Garcia

      Whenever I close mechanical It crashes and produce a core dumped.

      Also When I create a fluent project from within workbech It produces a Warning:
      "Software rasterizer found, hardware acceleration will be disabled.
      In the absence of hardware-accelerated drivers, the performance of all graphics operations will be severely affected...." and it is not able to load the geometry or the mesh. however if I run Fluent directly and load a case, it is able to solve with no problem.

      I checked all prerequisite libraries and nvidia drivers and seem to be ok

      Any help will be apreciated


    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee

      Recommend to check the Graphics Card is it supported and is the driver up to date.
      Also, verify that all prerequisite libraries that are listed in the Installation guide are installed and the
      Linux make and version is supported.

    • Manuel Garcia

      Thanks for the answer.

      The OS is  Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS. Supported.
      The graphics card is an Nvidia RTX A4000 which is supported (However, The website says it hasn't been tested in Ubuntu)

      This is what I have done so far.

      Checked all dependency libraries and install the missing ones.
      Check the Nvidia Drivers
      Reinstalled Ansys.
      changed the symbolic link of libstdc++.so.6 in the fluent folder to the installed by Ubuntu. 

      Now fluent run if it is launch standalone  but 

       I still have the problems:
            Structural module: Mechanical aborted with a core dumped 
            Fluent: Fluent doesn't run properly from within Workbench. Produced the error reported in the original message

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