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ANSYSLMCenter issue

    • vincent.koenig

      I installed Ansys following an installation guide, and everything worked fine until I used the AnsRegSvr.exe tool to retrieve the Host ID. I sent this information to our Ansys Support Coordinator, who then created a license file for me. However, when I tried to add the license file in the ANSYSLM Center, I keep encountering the same error:

    • Rajeshwari Jadhav
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Vincent,

      Click on Get System HostID information on server end and check if it machines with the details mentioned in the license file *.lic file.



    • vincent.koenig


      thank you for replying. I was able to make it work. I just had the AnsRegSvr.exe runing on the wrong disk drive, so it read the wrong host id. 

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