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Ansys stopped simulation due to PC restart

    • scabo


      I was running an usteady simulation but it stopped due to PC suddenly restarting. Can i recover the already run files? I can see some .hsf animation files in dp0>fluent. Can i get the last result or any result? 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      If you were in Workbench it's trickier. Did you set autosave? 

    • scabo


      Yes i am using workbench. I used autosave every 0 time step. So i guess the files are not saved right?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Every 0 means it's off.  Unless you're using geometry parameters export the initial case & data (ie once Fluent is set up) and run Fluent from the Start menu. Set autosave to a sensible name and directory & run. If/when the PC or solver fails restart, read in case & data and continue. 

    • scabo


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