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Ansys Rocky Post Processing


    • Mehdi Salakhi


      I was just wondering if there is a way to post-process Rocky data in Tecplot or similar. Any help would be much appreciated!


    • Jackson Gomes
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Mehdi

      Yes, you can post-process Rocky data on an external software. Rocky has options to export simulation data, such as particle positions and velocities. For instance, you can use Python scripts within Rocky's Prepost Scripting to extract data at different time steps, such as particle positions and velocities, and save them in formats like CSV for post-processing.

      For more information on how to export the CSV file, go to the superior toolbar, HELP|Manuals|User Manual.

      Best Regards


    • Mehdi Salakhi

      Hi Jackson,

      Thanks for the help. Well, what I need is CFD data, not the particle data. Unfortunately, I only saved two CFD (Fluent) data files. From Rocky, I do have access to all CFD data (each time step), however, I want to post-process the CFD data in external software like Tecplot. Is there a ready-to-use way of accomplishing this?

    • Jackson Gomes
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Mehdi Salakhi.

      I don't know about the compatibility of external software for post-processing.

      Please check the Fluent manual for available post-processing options. Consider using Ansys Ensight for post-processing.




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