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Ansys optics full package add on for student?

    • Kevin Zuchowski-Morrison

      Hi all, I'm currently running 2023 Ansys student version. I'd really like to access Ansys full optics package for a short time. It has some capabilities I'd really like to utilise for a thesis I'm writing. Full optics doesn't seem like something I can add to my student package and my uni doesn't have it. Does anyone know if there's a student version of optics I can add to my license? I know Ansys offer a 30 day trial of the optics package but I'm not sure if I'm able to download it to my desktop due to my existing student licence being there. Would this cause any conflict? 
      I know speos offers some optics but doesn't have what I need 
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You can't add anything to the Student licence, it's for learning only. Please review the T&Cs as I suspect you should be using the Campus software for the thesis. 

    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee

      As Rob mentioned, you will need a license for the simulation tools. Since you did not mention explicitly which software you want to use, here I give you brief  introduction:

      1: Lumerical photonics tools: Solving the first-principle equations such as

      FDTD, DGTD, varFDTD, FDE, EME, and FEEM solve Maxwell Equations and their variant equations.

      HEAR solves thermal transportation in solid. 

      CHARGE solves the drift-diffusion equations for electrons and holes (carriers) and Possion equations

      MQW for multiple quantun wells

      Solver physics introductions can be found from this link: 

      The system and quantum circuit solvers are here INTERCONNECT Solvers

      free trial request: 

      2: zemax tools: ray based and physical optics based


      free trial request:

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