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Ansys MotorCAD – AC Copper Losses

    • peter-michael.ullrich

      Hello together,

      maybe someone can help me with my issue.  In Ansys MotorCAD i want to simulate the AC Losses of my motor with Litz Wires. If i use a template motor the calculation shows no problem. 

      If i use my custom motor with "normal" widining like hairpins everything works as well. As soon as i use litz wires in the middle of the calculation process i get the error: "Could not find variable in multithreaded solution: ACCopperLoss_C1" 

      Does anyone has an idea what can cause this issue? 



    • abhijith.udayan
      Ansys Employee

      Hello , Try to use the single thread calculation .you can see the option in inputdata->settings->calculation->multiple threads .

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