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Ansys Free Student Software

Ansys Free Student Software

Topics cover installation and configuration of our free student products.

ANSYS Mechanical problem

    • zS21002572


      I'm trying to solve a mechanical problem with the 'static structural' tool of Workbench.

      The mesh is OK and the values of pressure too, the problem appears when I click 'solve', it says: "An unknown error occurred during solution.  Check the Solver Output on the Solution Information object for possible causes."

      Does anyone know why? Do I need to give more information? I really need to solve this.

    • peteroznewman

      Under the Solution Information folder is Solution Output. Text will be shown that has detailed messages from the solver.  Search the text (ctrl-F) for the word error and read the lines around that.  Copy some of those lines and put them in your reply.

    • zS21002572

      It's solved now. I just change the location of the file. It was inside 4 carpets and now it's just inside one, I supose Mechanical wasn't able to read the file because of where it was located.

      Anyway, thank you mate! Have a nice day.

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