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Ansys Mechanical initial stress problem


    • panjc

      I use the inistate command to simulate initial stress case.But the stress of the second step is different from the first.From the point of view of deformation, the direction is even thouh reversed.So,What is the reason for this situation?

    • Akshay Maniyar
      Ansys Employee


      When using the INISTATE command to simulate initial stress, it's important to ensure that the initial conditions are correctly applied and that the subsequent analysis steps are properly linked. Can you share more details about the analysis you are doing and how you are using the INISTATE command?


      Akshay Maniyar

      Note: Just a reminder that you may use the Ansys Community Groups to develop your network and foster community by joining the appropriate group and making connections. If you are interested in structural analysis topics, please join the Structures community here:
      • panjc

        Thank you for your reply.I showed some pictures, help check what settings were wrong.

    • panjc



    • panjc

    • panjc

      The settings are shown in the diagram above.

    • Akshay Maniyar
      Ansys Employee


      Hi Panjc,

      The commands look correct. Are you using the elastic material for the part? 


      Akshay Maniyar


      • panjc

        The default material of the material library,structural Steel.It seems like just have elastic parameter.

    • panjc

      The constraints of A and B are the same, but the results such as stress are completely different

    • panjc

    • panjc

      The stress results in the seems not right

    • Akshay Maniyar
      Ansys Employee


      Stress will be imported for time 0 when you use INISTATE to import stresses. Therefore, the stresses returned to their initial state after the second model ran for one second. It is acting like a compressed spring at time zero and got uncompressed till time 1 second as there is no load acting on it.


      Akshay Maniyar


      • panjc

        Thank you for your reply.However,Is there any way to get the final stress of the previous step?and don't spring back.

    • Akshay Maniyar
      Ansys Employee


      You can fix both ends of the part and then import the stresses using INISTATE, so that the model won't regain and have the stresses.


      Akshay Maniyar

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