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ANSYS Mechanical APDL Nodal coordinates

    • Todd Kelmar

      Hello, I have an APDL script to export Node names, nodal coordinates, and some other info from a modal analysis. 

      The issue I'm having in some nodal coordinates with small values (0.003) are exporting as 0. I have verified that the nodes are not actually overlapping, and can export the proper coordinates manually, but can't figure out why APDL isn't able to return the same coordinates. The relevant code is: 

      ! Select lowest node in the subset as the active node
      NODE = currn
      ! LOOP through all nodes in the subset, for each node store the node ID, NODE X< Y< Z Coord in Node_List
      *DO, k,1,NUM_NODES,
      ncx = nx(currn)
      Node_List(k,1) = currn
      Node_List(k,2) = nx(currn)
      Node_List(k,3) = ny(currn)
      Node_List(k,4) = nx(currn)
      !Loop through all 13 frequencies and extract the modal displacement (vector sum) and store in mode shapes for the current node
      *DO, l,1,13,1
       *GET, MODE_SHAPES(k,l), NODE, currn,U,SUM
      !Increment to next node
      *GET, currn, NODE, currn, nxth,
      !Select next node
      NODE = currn
    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator


      I think your query i answered here - ANSYS Mechanical APDL Nodal coordinates


      Ashish Khemka

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