Ansys Free Student Software

Ansys Free Student Software

Topics cover installation and configuration of our free student products.

Ansys Maxwell Simulation Com Engine non-responsive

    • J.MURPHY104


      I keep getting this error message (See below) no matter how simple my design is. The simulation I am currently trying to run is a 3D cylindrical permanent magnet. I have an Intel Core i5 VPRO and 8GB RAM so I think that is plenty powerful. Can anyone help me please?

      Maxwell3DDesign1 (Magnetostatic)
          [info] Verify conduction path: Conduction path validate success. (11:59:05 AM  Jan 14, 2025)
          [warning] Com Engine non-responsive since 12:00:13, January 14, 2025.   Can be due to CPU intensive processing or network problems.   If persisting for long, manually kill the com engine process and restart analysis. Retrying.....  (12:00:13 PM  Jan 14, 2025)

    • Chinmay T
      Forum Moderator


      There are multiple reasons that cause this problem. Please try the methods below to resolve this issue:

      1. Check if your license is running or not in Ansys License Management Center. Make sure that you are connected to the license server before running the simulation.
      2. Close the application and restart your machine and resimulate the design.
      3. Check your hard drive and RAM and have enough memory to run the simulation (close other applications if they are running).

      Thank you,

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