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Ansys Maxwell Field calculator “smooth” operator application

    • vignesh.j


      Below is the snapshot of magnetostatic simulation for 2 parallel conductors. Before running the solution setup i created the force parameters for top and bottom conductors so that i can plots force plots/ table results in my post processing step.


      After above solution setup converged successfully. Top conductor's force magnitude & its individual vector components (f(x), f(y) & f(z)) in solution data will be looking like this.



      To experiment with the field calculator. I tried to get the above force values using field calculator. When i form an expression without "Smooth" operator i get the correct answer, but if i use the "Smooth" operator, the answer is different.

      Result without Smooth operator:

      Result with Smooth operator:

      From maxwell help document about "Smooth" operator from my understanding is "advisible to use the smooth operator before any field / quantity and this makes them continuous across the boundaries.

      From the above simulation i explained, it looks like if i add Smooth operator to the quantity, i get the different force-X values from field calculator & solution data dialog box.

      So, the question is when to use "SMOOTH" operator, is there any guidelines ?

    • HDLI
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Vignesh,

            Please review the Maxwell help manual, Smooths the quantity in the top register. Because of the numerical solution technique used, field values are not always continuous across the boundaries of the individual elements that make up the finite-element mesh. Smoothing makes the values continuous. In general, use smoothing before plotting a quantity.

             However, to get same result as report has, we will not use smooth function in the field calculator, and please only use values in each element.


    • vignesh.j

      Hi HDLI,

      Thanks for your reply.

      Then which value is accurate, using "smooth function in field calculator" or "values from solution data report" ?

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