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Ansys maxwell ACT machine toolkit ERROR

    • qiang wei

      I am using the machine toolkit to do the efficiency map simulation (Ansys maxwell version 2021R1).

      The error said as below:


      another question is there are so many empty results created automatically.

    • Reshmi Raghavan
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Qiang,

      Could you please let me know at what stage you are getting this error message?

      • qiang wei

        I think the simulation was almost done (about 3-4 hours after started).

        Then the results automatically genetated, during this process, the error occured.

    • Reshmi Raghavan
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Qiang,

      If the simulation was completed and the error occurred during the result extraction, you can retrieve the results by going back to the Machine design toolkit ACT . Provide the same set of inputs used for the analysis and at the last step you can find an option to use the simulated results to extract the output, please choose the given option.

      • qiang wei

        I did tick this option before the simulation started, I just confused why there are some many results generated automatically like the second figure I posted before? And I cannot stop it. Is this a compulsory process for the map simulation?

    • Reshmi Raghavan
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Qiang,

      Please enable the first option initially so that the initial angle prediction would be completed and the model with the parametric setup would be created.

      Solve the parametric set up.

      Upon completion of the parametric run , open MDT and come to the last page and select the option of "Use results of simulation to create efficiency maps". This would enable the tool to fetch the data from the previous run the plot the required results.

      In a case where the result extractin doesnt proceed as expected the toolkit plots the results of all the quantities which are computed. Thats the reason why you are finding these plots added to the output. Upon succefful completion of the simulation these results would be replaced with the MDT output quantities like  TvsSpeedvs Effeciency/Output power/Id/Iq etc.

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