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Ansys Maxwell 2D error: “cannot multiply tensor with scalar!”

    • Chi Zhang


      When running an eddy current simulation in Ansys Maxwell 2D I encountered the following error message:

      Solving for EddyCurrent adaptive pass 1, process solver2d error: Internal Solver Error:  'Can not multiply tensor with scalar!'. Please contact Ansys technical support.

      The simulation is for a cross section of a coplanar stripline resonator to extract its inductance under AC drive. The substrate (sapphire) is implemented as an anisotropic dielectric as per the following paper: J. Krupka et al., Meas. Sci. Technol. 10, 387 (1999). The anisotropic model for this design has been used and found compatible in a number of other simulation software and solvers under Ansys (HFSS, Maxwell 2D electrostatics). Is there a reason why this is not working for Maxwell 2D eddy current? If not, is there a setting that I need to toggle that allows me to do this calculation?


      Chi Zhang

    • HDLI
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Chi,

            Could you provide or show more informaiton on your model? like boundarie, excitation, geometry, etc. The eddy current solver should support anisotropic material.



    • Chi Zhang

      Hi HDLI,

      Boundary: Balloon

      Excitation: Current

      Geometry: coplanar stripline

      Is there a channel through which I can upload the example Ansys file? This will be easier.

      Chi Zhang

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