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ANSYS LS-DYNA network license issue

    • sjlee


      I am a professor, and my university has some number of copies of LS-DYNA for research but no one in my university could use those so far due to network license issue. ANSYS is not helping us with this issue, so I decided to ask here.

      When trying to run LS-DYNA (modeled from LS-PrePost), we get the following error. 


       ******* NO SUITABLE LICENSE FEATURE FOUND *******    



       *** Error 70022 (OTH+22)

         Please contact

          Livermore Software Technology, LLC

          Tel: 844.Go.Ansys (844.462.6797)

          Email: [email protected]



      E r r o r t e r m i n a t i o n


      We also tried to run from ANSYS Workbench. 

      We see LS-DYNA in the "Toolbox Customization pane" but could never move it to the "Toolbox" on the left.

      Toggling the check button is supposed to show LS-DYNA on the left pane, but it never works. I guess it's related to the license issue, but not sure.

    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee
      What type of network license do you have? LSTC or ANSYS license?
      If you look at the install.log file under c:\Program files\Ansys Inc
      Does it list LS-DYNA as being installed

      What Increments are increment lines are in your license file?
    • sjlee
      Thanks for your response. Yes, I see it as below.
      Can you please elaborate on what "increment lines" mean?

      Installation Directory:
      C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc

      Windows x64
      ANSYS, Inc. Products
      Explicit Dynamics
    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee
      What is the contents of your license file on the license server?
      You can leave out the SERVER name.
    • sjlee
      install.log file is too long... It has 1644 lines. Can you please be more specific about "the contents" that I can provide?
    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee
      Not the install.log file.
      license file is:
      c:\program files\ansys inc\shared files\licensing\license_files\ansyslmd.lic

    • sjlee
      I don't see ansyslmd.lic in c:\program files\ansys inc\shared files\licensing\license_files\
      Instead, I see ansyslmd_2021.06.29_14.13.52.ini file in C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing\license_files\backup
      It just contains two lines (I replace the server name with [...]):
      SERVER= [...] .
      ANSYSLI_SERVERS= [...]
      Thanks much for your help. Could you please shed light on this?
    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee
      Are you looking on your license server machine?
      The machine that is listed in:
      c:\program files\Ansys Inc\shared files\licensing\ansyslmd.ini
    • sjlee
      Oh, I was just looking in my local computer. I will ask the IT staff to provide me with the information.
      Do you need both SERVER= [...] and ANSYSLI_SERVERS= [...] info?
    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee
      Server and ANSYLSLI_SERVERS Should list the same hostname.
    • sjlee
      BTW, is it safe to leave the information on this public website?
    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee
      I have sent you an email.
      Please send information directly to me through email.
    • sjlee
      Received. Thanks much!
    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee
      Closing as the cause was determined...
    • Luisa Hornung


      Dear George,

      I am currently facing the same issue. It is weird, in my install.log LS Dyna is not listed but I definetly installed it. In de Deinstallation Manager it is also listed... Is this a problem?

      Thanks and best wishes,



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