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Ansys Learning Hub bad video quality?


    • Lasse.Holopainen

      Hi, anyone else frustrated by the almost unintelligible bad quality of the Learning Hub videos regardless of the settings? Does anyone moderate the content and is there any route to give feedback? The sessions themselves seems to be very good but the video/audio quality is so bad it hurts my brain. There's setting for 1080p, but the original upload seems to be blurry pixel mush and audio is like a walkie talkie with almost dead battery. Doesn't project very good image for Ansys.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      I've not heard any complaints about the video quality, so could it be upload/download related? Please post a link as we're mid/end migration on the ALH and also have AIS and other channels so knowing a "good" example will be helpful. 

    • Lasse.Holopainen

      This one for example: Ansys HFSS 3D Components, Boundary Conditions, Ports and Mesh - Session 1 Part 1 - Ansys Learning Hub

      I get 115 Mbps from speedtest at the office, so bandwidth shouldn't be an issue.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Thanks. I'll pass that onto the ALH team. 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      And feedback from the ALH team. 

      We have a (very) few courses where we don't have a good recording and rely on one of the trainers posting a live class recording. The quality can then be poorer than we'd like, and looks like that one was missed when checking. Thanks for letting us know. I'm now leaving the ALH team to find a trainer to record the content. 

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