Photonics – Chinese

Photonics – Chinese

Topics related to Lumerical and more, in Chinese language.

Ansys Insight: 脚本中的保留字符和英语单词

    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee
      一般的计算机语言都有保留字符,它们具有特定的数值,用户最好不要用它们做变量名,Lumerical的Script也一样。常见的保留字符有 ·       
      e:电荷1.60218e-019库仑 ?e; result: 1.60218e-019 ·       
      h:普朗克常数6.62607e-034 J⋅s ?h; result: 6.62607e-034 ·       
      hbar:Reduced Planck’s constant ?hbar; result: 1.05457e-034 ·       
      c:真空中的光速 299792458 米每秒 ?c; result: 299792458 ·      
       pi:圆周率 3.14159 ?pi; result: 3.14159 以上是使用短数据格式,如果使用长格式,则 format long; ?pi; result: 3.141592653589793
      add, abs,all,any,angle,bar, break,cd, cell, clear, conj, connect, copy,cross,delete,dir,dot,erf,exist, exit,exp,expand, eye,fft,find, flip floor, for, format. get, global, grating, help, hide,histogram,if,image,insert,inv, legend, length, library,load, log, lower, is, matlab, matrix,max,min,mean, mesh,mold, move, new, norm,or, orbit, overlap, pause, pinch, plot, polar,precision,propagate, probe, pwd,rand, read, real,redo,refresh,replace,rm,round,run,save,select,set,show,sign,simulation, size,solar,spline,sqrt,system,transmission, transpose, try, undo, upper,version,visualize,which,write,zeros,等
      自然对数的底e可以用下列方法得到 ?exp(1); result: 2.718281828459045 更多的脚本链接参见这个帖子: Ansys Insight: Lumerical脚本命令列表
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