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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Ansys Fluent UI File Explorer very slow / crashes

    • Vincent Paraboschi


      I have a problem with Ansys Fluent. Everytime I need to do something via the file explorer (read case, import mesh, write plots, ...) the file explorer is very slow and often freezes and crashes.

      I experience this problem on my workstation running on Windows 10. No problem while running on an HPC environment. Everyone in my company has the same problem on their workstation. I believe it may be linked to a third party of some kind that is installed in our Windows environment ?

      Hope somebody can help me with that.

    • MangeshANSYS
      Ansys Employee


      Please check yiour home folders and also the default folder path that Fluent is set to run / open in

      Are there any network drives or delays ?

    • Vincent Paraboschi


      I checked that and everything runs locally.

    • MangeshANSYS
      Ansys Employee

      Are any of the folders below for your user profile set to a network location ?



      The above variables can be copy pasted into address bar of windows explorer / file explorer to see where each one is pointed to

    • Vincent Paraboschi


      No all the folders you sent are set in local on my computer. The problem is investigated at my company and apparently it is related to a third party called ZoneCentral.

    • MangeshANSYS
      Ansys Employee

      Thank you for the update. If the security software is temporarily disabled for a test, then does the delay go away and if it is enabled back then do you see the delay get introduced again ?

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