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ANSYS Fluent Meshing: “tgrid process could not be started”

    • alexander.osters


      during the operation of generating a Volume Mesh, after all cells have been created, the following Message appears:

      The same happens for a mesh with 43 000 000 cells but not for a 37 000 000 cell mesh.

      I assume that the memory is not enough?

      The mesh is generated on a cluster partition with a requested job of 40 cpu cores and 16 memory per core.


      Does someone know why this error occurs?

    • Federico
      Ansys Employee

      Can you show your settings for your Volume Mesh task?

      Rough rule of thumb is that you need ~1Gb of RAM available per 1M cells, slightly more or less depending on the cell type.

    • alexander.osters


      Hi, sure.

      Alle Advanced Options are on default. Just the Check Self Proximity is set to yes and Quality Warning from 0.05 to 0.1.

      Normally the min cell lenght ist set to 1.

      Also the mesh should be in the recommended mesh qualtiy criterias, as the Skewness is below 0.7 and Aspect Ratio below 1000 with double precision on.



      • alexander.osters


        so eventually now the the meshing process just gets stuck at 91-92% during “drawing mesh” without throwing out the error “the tgrid process could not be started”.

        What could be the problem here?




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