May 27, 2020 at 6:16 amobschtiSubscriber
Due to my project I need to do a simulation with Fluent. Everything went well until I started the simulation. After some time there was an error and Fluent simply closed. Since then Fluent fails to start when I want to open the project. I can still open the model in DesignModeler or for meshing. I red in other discussions that this might be because of meshing or geometry things. So I surpressed all bodies except a single cylinder. But there was still the same error:
Ansys.Fluent.Cortex.CortexNotAvailableException: Eine Ausnahme vom Typ "Ansys.Fluent.Cortex.CortexNotAvailableException" wurde ausgelöst.
  bei Ansys.Fluent.Data.SetupData.GetCommunicator(IReadLockContainer context)
  bei Ansys.Fluent.Data.SetupData.ReadCaseModelInfo(IFullContext context)
  bei Ansys.Fluent.Data.SetupData.ReadMeshAndModelInfo(IFullContext context)
  bei Ansys.Fluent.Data.SetupData.LoadFiles(IFullContext context)
  bei Ansys.Fluent.Commands.EditCommand.Execute(IFullContext context)
  bei Ansys.Core.Commands.Concurrency.CommandWorkUnit.executeInContext(CommandContext subContext, IExecutionEngineCallback tracer)
  bei Ansys.Core.Commands.Concurrency.BaseWorkUnit.doExecute(IExecutionEngineCallback executionEngine, CommandContext subContext)
  bei Ansys.Core.Commands.Concurrency.BaseWorkUnit.Execute(IExecutionEngineCallback executionEngine, Boolean dontCatchExceptions)
--- Ansys.Core.Commands.CommandFailedException: Eine Ausnahme vom Typ "Ansys.Fluent.Cortex.CortexNotAvailableException" wurde ausgelöst.
CommandName: Fluent.Edit(Container="Setup")
  bei Ansys.Core.Commands.CommandAsyncResult.RethrowFailureException(Exception e)
  bei Ansys.Core.Commands.CommandAsyncResult.Wait(Int32 milliSecondsTimeout, Boolean exitContext)
  bei Ansys.Fluent.Commands.EditCommand.InvokeAndWait(IProtectedContext context, DataContainerReference Container, Boolean Interactive)
  bei Ansys.Fluent.Gui.OpenInFluentGui.Invoke(GuiOperationContext context)
  bei Ansys.UI.GuiOperationContext.Invoke(GuiOperationMetaData operationData)
  bei Ansys.UI.UIManager.InvokeOperationCore(String pseudoname, OperationDelegate callback, Boolean allowOSMessages, Boolean coreTransaction, Boolean deferredRefreshOnly)
A few seconds before Fluent crashes there is the following status in the console in Fluent:
Error: GENERAL-CAR-CDR: invalid argument [1]: improper list
Error: Object: ()
I also checked up if it is a problem with the RAM but there is still enough capacity when Fluent crashes.
Thank you for your help!
May 27, 2020 at 10:00 amAmine Ben Hadj AliAnsys Employee
Can you try reading the case in Fluent but outside of the Workbench?
May 27, 2020 at 10:44 amobschtiSubscriber
Hi Amine,
thanks for your help.
In the project folders I am not able to find a Fluent-Case-file. I compared this to an other project. Is it true that the .gz-file should be in the folder "dp0 --> FFF --> Fluent"? In this folder there is only a "FFF.set"-file. I didn't delete anything.
Thanks und best regards!
May 27, 2020 at 11:10 amAmine Ben Hadj AliAnsys Employee
Can you export the mesh and then in Standalone try setting the case from scratch?
May 29, 2020 at 5:50 amobschtiSubscriber
Hey Amine,
thanks for your help. When I export the mesh and then diretly import it to Fluent it works!
Best regards!
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