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Ansys fails to open web browser for tutorials

    • robgics

      I start up Ansys with "ansys191 -g".  I click Help->Tutorials, and I get an error box:


      Failed to execute default Web Browser

      Input/output error.


      Is there an error log somewhere I can get more information as to what the problem is?  Or is there an environment variable I need to set so it can find firefox?



    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Try without the -g option. 

    • robgics

      That just brings up a text interface.  I want the graphical interface.

      I did a test, and using Ansys 18.1 (ansys181 -g), I was able to bring up the tutorials in a web browser.  Then doing the same thing with 19.1, I wasn't.  So something has changed.  Well, I'm sure LOTS of things changed between those versions, but specifically I mean in regards to opening the tutorials in a web browser.



    • tsiriaks
      Ansys Employee

      Can you post the screenshot of the error ? 

      What OS version is this ?

      Please post the value of your PATH environment variable

    • robgics

      OS: RHEL6 using Open on Demand

      PATH: /opt/aci/sw/ansys/19.1/AnsysEM19.1/Linux64opt/aci/sw/ansys/19.1/v191/ACPopt/aci/sw/ansys/19.1/v191/fensapice/binopt/aci/sw/ansys/19.1/v191/CEI/binopt/aci/sw/ansys/19.1/v191/TurboGrid/binopt/aci/sw/ansys/19.1/v191/polyflow/binopt/aci/sw/ansys/19.1/v191/autodyn/binopt/aci/sw/ansys/19.1/v191/Icepak/binopt/aci/sw/ansys/19.1/v191/tgrid/binopt/aci/sw/ansys/19.1/v191/CFX/binopt/aci/sw/ansys/19.1/v191/icemcfd/linux64_amd/binopt/aci/sw/ansys/19.1/v191/fluent/binopt/aci/sw/ansys/19.1/v191/Framework/bin/Linux64opt/aci/sw/ansys/19.1/v191/aisolopt/aci/sw/ansys/19.1/v191/ansys/binusr/local/binusr/local/sbinopt/rh/git19/root/usr/binusr/local/binusr/local/sbinusr/local/binusr/local/sbinusr/local/binusr/local/sbinopt/TurboVNC/binusr/local/binusr/local/sbinopt/rh/git19/root/usr/binusr/lpp/mmfs/binusr/local/binusr/local/sbinusr/lib64/qt-3.3/binbinusr/binusr/local/sbinusr/sbinsbinopt/puppetlabs/binstorage/home/rug262/binstorage/home/rug262/bin

      Ansys 19.1 tutorial error


      Edit: Sorry about all the frowny faces, that's not my doing.  I tried to fix it in the code view, but the web editor here will not be denied apparently.

    • tsiriaks
      Ansys Employee

      no worries, we know it's the forum issue but yea, it's hard to read. 

      What is the output of

      which firefox

      also, I'm not sure if this would work for M-APDL but it works for AnsysEM products. Try setting this environment variable



    • robgics

      which firefox:  /usr/bin/firefox

      Setting the ANS_BROWSER_NAME env var didn't make a difference.

      Someone doing some sleuthing noticed that for Ansys 18.1, the tutorials were in the /v181/commonfiles/help/en-us/help/ans-tut directory.  But in our install, there are no subdirectories under /v191/commonfiles/help/en-us.

      Are they just simply not installed?  Is there a different procedure to install those than there was in 18.1, or perhaps they are moved to a different directory for 19.1?




    • tsiriaks
      Ansys Employee

      Starting in 19.0, the 'local' help document is moved out of the main installation. So, if you need to open a local help document, you will have to do an extra installation.

      But you are setting to open the online help document, so I don't think that is an issue.

      What if you try

      export PATH=/usr/bin:$PATH

      then launch ANSYS from this terminal

    • robgics

      Well, the goal is the tutorials overall.  It probably wouldn't hurt to have those installed locally, but I'm guessing that they'd just open via the browser anyway, and doing that seems to be the problem.

      I tried setting the PATH with /usr/bin at the front, but it gives the same error.

      Thanks for the suggestions.


    • tsiriaks
      Ansys Employee

      You can go to the customer portal and download the local help documents , there is '?' sign that describes how to configure to point the software to use local help document, it will NOT open via the browser.

      As for your online help issue, I still think it has something to do with your PATH environment variable. Can you not load the entire module (nothing related to ANSYS v19.1 in your PATH)  and just run the entire command to open M-APDL GUI ?


    • robgics

      Ok, I started a new session, and without loading the ansys module, just called ansys191 using the full path.  The interface came up without complaint, but trying to open the tutorials gave the same I/O error.  Exiting ansys, I then executed "firefox" on the command line without changing anything, and it came right up.  So, the path to firefox shouldn't be the issue.  And now I think we've removed any path issues that might be associated with the ansys module on our system.


    • robgics

      Oooh kaaaaay.  So, something happened because now it works.  I clicked the "?" icon in Ansys, the firefox opened with help.  I then clicked everything under the Help menu, and everything (including tutorials) opened in a tab in firefox.

      I'm now going to restart my session and see if I an recreate what causes it to not work, and then to work.


    • robgics

      So, if I start up my system, load my ansys module, start ansys and try to click anything under the Help menu, it gives me the error.  I then close ansys.  I launch firefox from the command line and after it comes up, without doing anything else, I close it.  I then launch ansys again and this time, everything under the Help menu works.  It launches firefox and displays the requested help item in the browser.

      I've compared a before and after output of "env" but there is no difference.  So starting firefox does not appear to be setting some env var that ansys then uses.  Clearly SOMETHING is changed by starting and exiting firefox, but I do not know what it is.


    • JakeC
      Ansys Employee

      Hi robgics,

      It might be worth checking your default application settings as described here:


      $ grep 'ht' /usr/share/applications/defaults.list
      where the left hand side is the MIME type and the right hand side (of the =) has the .desktop application to launch.
      Thank you,
    • robgics




      I ran that grep before and after starting firefox, and nothing was changed.  So running firefox isn't changing those default values.  Remember also that version 18.1 works just fine on this system without having to do anything.  

      Since it's not an environment variable that gets set when firefox runs (at least, not within my ability to see), I'm wondering if it's some file permission somewhere.

       For the record, I am fully willing to believe the problem is something about how the system is configured.  But since the error is on Ansys's part, and was apparently introduced by a change from 18.1 to 19.1, I'm hoping that the issue can be tracked down via help here.  I'm not blaming Ansys (yet!).


    • JakeC
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Robgics,


      As mentioned earlier 18.1 had local help files installed, and the newer versions do not.  Which is why it worked before.

      Please add the other lines in that defaults.list file that you do not have:



      Thank you,


    • robgics

      Thanks for that clarification on how the help changed, Jake.  I see the "local help" packages in the customer portal.  I may try installing those to see if that resolves the problem, that might be quicker. 

    • robgics

      I tried it with those default values, and it still throws an error.

    • JakeC
      Ansys Employee

      I assume it is the same error, correct?

      Can you paste in the changes you made?


      What happens if you run the following:

      /ansys_inc/v191/Tools/mono/Linux64/bin/mono /usr/ansys_inc/v191/commonfiles/help/HelpViewer/ANSYSHelpViewer.exe


      Thank you,


    • JakeC
      Ansys Employee

      Also if in firefox you go to:


      And then set Firefox as the default browser, do you get the same error?


      Thank you,


    • robgics

      Changes made to file:


      $: cat /usr/share/applications/defaults.list | grep ht



      $: cat /usr/share/applications/defaults.list | grep ht






      And yes, it was the same I/O error window as posted above.


      I tried running the command you sent, and that opened Mozilla-Firefox to the "Welcome to Ansys Help" page.  


      Edit: I went in to make that change in Firefox, and it tells me that it is already my default browser.


    • robgics

      Any other suggestions?


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