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Ansys error message

    • 482506
      Dear ansys,
      I try to simulate an oil tank thats partially filled in one tank and goes into another tank through a T-tube connected to another tank. First the first tank is blocked by a valve before the T-tube, vacuum is pulled on the other side of the valve (vacuum pulled in T-tube and second tank). And then the valve is opened to let the oil flow through the T-tube and into the second tank.

      This is a simple schematic of the system. I used a split body and then a plane on face in the designmodeler function (I made sure of the geometry being a 2D version). But I get a error: 

      Do you know how to solve this error message or know how to prevent this problem?
    • Federico
      Ansys Employee

      It seems like your images failed to upload. Can you share again or tell us what the error message is?

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