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Ansys Discovery / Creo CAD IMPORT

    • vasanthan.pitchaimani

      In Ansys Discovery, how to attach CAD file from CREO Windchill(PLM)

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee



      PLM (e.g., the one you mention) and CAD are different.

      I am not sure one can use a format you mention.

      Of course you can use common CAD formats (step, iges, etc.) to import CAD data into Discovery.
      Also there are specific CAD plugins and readers available that allow for import of Creo CAD format:

      (Document import supported by interface: Part (*.prt) and Assembly (*.asm))

      All the best




    • vasanthan.pitchaimani
      Thanks for the Reply Erik. I will explain my problem in detail. So far, we were using Ansys Design modeler to import CAD geometry from creo using ATTACH ACTIVE CAD GEOMETRY option. This import CAD via Plugin. This options really helps a lot that if we do geometry modifications in Creo, then I will refresh that CAD part in Desig modeler and resume rest of the work. I am looking for similar option in Spaceclaim or Discovery to import CAD option. Please support. Regards, Vasanth
    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee





      The same can be done with SC and Discovery if you have a Creo reader or plugin, you just open the file up.

      So If you have a .prt or .asm Creo file just go to file->open in the main menu (SC and Discovery) and open them up.

      So very straightforward.

      If you need any more specific help related to readers and plugins licencing contact your Ansys rep. or channel partner (CP), or if technical (say can not import an assembly) contact Ansys or Ansys CP support and we can try and help.

      All the best





      • vasanthan.pitchaimani


        All our CAD parts are stored in WindChill ie., Creo PLM. For exampe below is the path


        This path cannot be found in local drive. its stored only in Windchill.

        In this scenario, how to access this path from main menu in SC & Discovery. Its not possible. Is ther an alternate way?

        Infact we raised this request with our Ansys rep ( CADFEM India) but they didn't provide solution yet. The tickest raised is there since very long time.



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