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ANSYS Chemkin Help!

    • Upom Louise Costa

       I am using an educational license for ANSYS 2023 R2. I use Fluent and Chemkin mostly. Recently, I am getting the following error when trying to run the chemical simulations. I checked the output file and it doesn't have any errors. The pre-processor runs successfully without any errors. This error is persistent no matter what mechanism I use. I don't think this is a license issue since I already tried uninstalling and reinstalling the program. The other software packages from ANSYS (Fluent etc.) are running fine. 

      There are errors while running the model for Flame_Speed (C1).
      Check the output file for diagnostic information.
      Correct any input file error and re-run.
      Can anyone help?
    • jcooper
      Ansys Employee



      Please check the diagnostic files.  These are test files that show the run progress and usually end with the error that terminated the run.

      For Chemkin, this file will be in the working folder and should be called projectname.out.


      Best Regards,



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