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ansys charge simulation for photo current generation

    • 232221001

      hii everyone
      i am trying tom generate the photo current with the script, but i am not able to creat the graph with script.
      althrought i have checked the generation rate , which is well establish in .
      the script is-



      # Simulate the electrical simulation response under dark

      # and illuminated conditions.


      # (c) Lumerical Solutions



      load("dark current simulation.Idev");



      # reverse bias, light



      select('CHARGE::boundary conditions::cathode');

      set('bc mode','steady state');

      set('sweep type','range');

      set('range start',0);

      set('range stop',-2);

      set('range num points',1334);


      anode = getresult("CHARGE","anode");

      Vrr = -flip(pinch(anode.V_cathode),1);

      Irr = 2*flip(pinch(anode.I),1);


      # forward bias, light



      select('CHARGE::boundary conditions::cathode');

      set('bc mode','steady state');

      set('sweep type','range');

      set('range start',0);

      set('range stop',2);

      set('range num points',1334);


      anode = getresult("CHARGE","anode");

      Vrf = -pinch(anode.V_cathode); Vrf = Vrf(2:length(Vrf));

      Irf = pinch(anode.I); Irf = 2*Irf(2:length(Irf));


      plotxy([Vdr; Vdf], abs([Idr; Idf]),

      [Vrr; Vrf], abs([Irr; Irf]),

      "V (V)", "I (A)");

      give me the solution on this

    • Niki Papachristou
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Subscriber,

      Thank you for reaching out to us! May I ask you which example from our online contents you are trying to run? If you are using it for one of your own built up simulations make sure that you are modifying it accordingly to accomodate your results.

      Kind Regards,


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