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ansys aqwa : hinge connector

    • nhanani4

      Hi.I'm new user in aqwa aqwa.

      I use hinged connector for floating structures. Hinged connector I put at x-axis like picture 1.

      1)But I want to ask should i key in the data stiffness about local X like picture 2?

      2)because I did not key in the data in picture 2 but still i get the joint force data. I am confused about  what stiffness hinged joint for used this simulation? The joint force data comes from what calculation?

      3) If I has my own stiffness hinged connector where should i key in? what the formula?

    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator
      The stiffness about a hinge joint local x axis can be defined, as shown in Figure 2.
      Please check if there is any rotation response about the global Y and/or global Z axis. If yes, the joint force about global x axis (in Figure 3) could be non-zero, as the hinge joint local x axis does no longer parallel to the global X axis.
      Ashish Khemka
    • nhanani4

      sorry i did not understand"the hinge joint local x axis does no longer parallel to the global X axis.

      from my understanding, i put the hinged located at x-axis same with the origin x axis.

      what to mean is the floating structure move so the connector is not it x-axis?

      this is the dat.file show..what mean by the value, can i get the stiffness of connector in deck 12?


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