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Ansys AQWA: Connection stiffness matrix

    • S.S.S.ShankaVasuki


      I am trying to simulate 4 connected bodies as shown in the figure:

      I have some questions in making these type of connections in ansys aqwa:

      1. Firstly, I know the diagonal values of the connection stiffness matrix (as shown in the fig by c11,c22 ... c66) which I can enter as connection stiffness matrix in the connections tab for all the four bodies. The question is do I have to enter this matrix 4 times for each block as one block has 4 connectors attached to it? Or is two marices per block sufficient?
      2. Secondly, how do I run the time domain analysis for such an orientation? As giving a universal/ball-socket joint in the same connection orientation as shown in the figure leads to closed loop errors. Is there a way to simulate such connections in AQWA hydrodynamic response?
      3. Lastly, I was wondering, as I have already specified the connection stiffness matrix, would this be directly considered in the time domain analysis without me defining the joints between each block? or is it compulsory to include joints between each block to run the time domain analysis?


    • Shuangxing Du
      Ansys Employee

      Please see if the method below helps


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