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ansys aqwa : ball connector and socket

    • nhanani4


      I'm newbie using ansys aqwa.

      In my study, multi - floating structure connect use ball and socket connector.

      I want to ask:

      1) Did the detail of ball connector should key in such as stiffness about local X and other if I want to used the ball connector? Or I use the ball connector but the detail of connector should i blank and run the simulation like picture two?

      2) What the default stiffness of ball connector if  the detail of blank connector is blank?

      3) The ball connector i put has the angle like picture 1. Should i key in the detail data like picture 2. But what formula should be calculate for the detail connector?

      Thank you for helping me.

    • Shuangxing Du
      Ansys Employee

      The items in the Joint Properties are optional. If there is no data being typed in, the default is zero.  For a ball and socket joint, its joint local axes coincide with the axis directions of the global coordinate system axes at the initial definition localtion.

    • nhanani4

      1) what is the formula of stiffness about global x, stiffness about global y and global z should I key in?

      2) I want to connect my multi-floating structure in that picture arrangement but only the ball and socket connector can run the data horizontal force. What should I do to run simulation with change the ball socket to hinge?


    • Shuangxing Du
      Ansys Employee

      (1) Please see Aqwa theory manual, section 8.1.2 for the ball/socket joint rotational stiffness definition.

      (2) Please see Aqwa User's Manual, Section 5.8.6 for joint definition

    • nhanani4

      Mean I should make some calculations for key in the data for stiffness about X,stiffness about Y, and stiffness about z?

      I think that ball socket has default data because when I blank that section,I still get the data joint ball socket.I have wrong idea right?

    • Shuangxing Du
      Ansys Employee

      Could you please show the contents of the data category 12 of your input data file with the extension name of .dat generated by Aqwa in Workbench? I do not think there is any default non-zero values for the ball and socket joint stiffness.

    • nhanani4

      where i canfound data category 12 in .dat file? i see until deck 17. can you help me?

    • nhanani4

      this dat file for ball socket. how i can get the stiffness for ball scoket?


      this dat.fie.. is is category 12 mean deck 12?what the mean by that value?





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