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ANSYS AEDT (HFSS & ICEPAK) solver equations for EM Losses & boundary ?

    • Monis

      I am using the Ansys AEDT HFSS for microwaves analysis, I have done the analysis in HFSS and imported the EM losses into ICEPAK for thermal analysis.
      I want to know ANSYS AEDT use which mathematical equations for solving the EM losses and finding out thermal results from it in icepak while importing.

      also mathematical equations used for electric, magnetic field analysis as well as for boundary conditions.

    • Iceman
      Ansys Employee

      For the Icepak prat, you have to run it first. Once the simualtion starts running, you can right-click Analysis->Setup and then click Profile. From there you can find out mapped EM losses. Please make sure to compare EM losses imported into Icepak with that calcuated in HFSS. 

      Let's wait for HFSS Engineers to chime in about the HFSS questions. 

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