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ANSYS 2024R2 Installation on VDI

    • mcc-licenses

      Hi, does anyone have experience installing ANSYS on a virtual desktop infrastructure?  We are attempting to install it to a shared virtual machine pool that requires the use of Windows Roaming Profiles of its AppData folder contents.  We are unsure if this provides a stable way to install and use ANSYS for longer sessions that may get timed out and logged out of the Windows session.  Thanks in advance.

    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee

      Some Information on VDI:

      Using Remote Display Technologies with Ansys Workbench Products

      Concerning profiles and the use of UNC:
      Essentially you would remap the c:\users\username\appdata\roaming folder to the server, which is supported and documented by Microsoft. The local appdata folders stay on the individual computers.  For some reason Workbench is not happy with the UNC Path for Roaming appdata, but it did work fine in the past versions.  

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