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General Mechanical

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Analysis of component after topology optimisation

    • UP866106

      Hi, I would like to know how to proceed with my analysis in ANSYS 19.1. I have topology optimized a component, I have opened Spaceclaim before running the analysis to convert the model into solid. Unfortunately, I am unable to run the same analysis that I have done in the static structure.

      Can someone please explain what I have done wrong in the process. I will be attaching the ANSYS workbench file soon.

      Thank you.

    • UP866106

      Unfortunately I am unable to upload the wbpz file as it is too large and the system crashes every time I try to upload it. does anyone know how to upload the file, the size file if from 150MB to 200MB.

    • peteroznewman

      The limit for attaching to posts is 120 MB.  Try searching on this site for the Topology Optimization process. Also check YouTube and the ANSYS Help system.

    • UP866106
      Thank you
    • peteroznewman

      Did you find this Discussion?

    • UP866106
      Yes, I have found some discussions which shows some of the procedures that I am able to use. However, it does not explain the steps that I need to follow for the analysis.
    • UP866106
      The part that I do not understand is the physics analysis for the TOPOLOGY optimised part.

      Everytime I convert the part to solid in Spaceclaim then use ANSYS workbench 19.1 I am still not able to analyse the component.

      Is there a way that I am able to send my file to you to check what I have done wrong please?
    • peteroznewman

      It is best if you save files of screen snapshots using Snipping Tool or any other screen capture utility. You can use the Insert Image button to put those images into your posts. Show exactly what you have, and where you are stuck.  ANSYS staff are not permitted to open any files attached to posts.

    • UP866106

      OK, thank you I will upload pictures of the work I have done so far.

    • UP866106

    • UP866106

      This figure shows the component before being topology optimised.

    • UP866106


      I converted the topology optimised component into solid in Spaceclaim.


      This figure is from ANSYS workbench after converting the part, in this section I have tried to do the meshing and add the Static structure features but unfortunately it did not work. 

    • peteroznewman

      You haven't reattached the Loads and Boundary Conditions.

    • UP866106
      Unfortunately I am unable to do so, and this is the point where I got stuck, I am unable add the Loads and Boundary Conditions. Thus I am unable to complete the analysis.

      Unfortunately I am not sure what could be the problem.
    • peteroznewman

      When you click on one of those items, it will have a yellow cell where you have to select a face that is missing. Please describe why you are stuck.

    • UP866106
      After I have imported the solid from Spaceclaim to ANSYS workbench to run the analysis, I am unable to select specific parts of the model.

      For example: If I want to add a fixed support or a frictionless support to the optimised part, I cannot select the section for it i.e. the cylindrical parts where there is frictionless support.

      I am not quite sure why exactly am not able to add after the model has been topology optimised.

      I hope this describes my problem, sorry for not explaining it in detail before.

      Thank you.
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