3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

an unexpected error while using Discovery 2023R2

    • marx.s

      I’ve encountered in Ansys 2023R2 version. I’m currently facing an unexpected error while using Discovery the geometry no longer updates automatically to mechanical, as it did in previous versions (2022),Everytime it say "save and exit, even if I saved, the geometry has never been updated in standalone analysis system-static structural.


      the geometry needs to be saved as (*.disco) file and imported again to update in mechanical, this process needs to be repeated even for small change in geometry.


      " For example, in spaceclaim, if we create a geometry or modify it, we don't need to save the model as spaceclaim file, if we simply close the tab, it will automatically update to mechanical or when we refresh it. the same has applicable to discovery 2022R2, it works as expected. " But only facing issues with discovery 2023R2.


      Pls resolve this issue ASAP


    • Charudatta Bandgar
      Forum Moderator

      Let me check if this issues appears on my end too, I will get this conveyed.



      Charudatta B

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