General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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An error occurred inside the SOLVER module: general error.

    • uwindsorspz
      Hello all,   I am working the harmonic response study under the workbench. I import the electromagnetic force from Ansys and all the things are going well.   After the simulation process, the error comes out and said "An error occurred inside the SOLVER module: general error."   Is anyone meet the same situation before and how to solve it?   Thanks.   Take care.   Atlas S.
    • peteroznewman

      Open the Solution Output (the solve.out file) and read what the error actually is.

    • uwindsorspz

      Hello Peter,

      Thanks for your reply.

      I checked it and I think there is a "fatal error" in it, which should be the reason of it.

      The picture of it is attached with this message. Could I ask how should I solve this problem?

      Thanks for your help.


    • peteroznewman

      You can copy the text around the error and paste that into your reply.

    • uwindsorspz

      I run this simulation again and that error is gone. But there is still some errors shown as below.

       *** WARNING ***                         CP =       1.578   TIME= 21:10:02
       Element shape checking is currently inactive.  Issue SHPP,ON or        
       SHPP,WARN to reactivate, if desired.                                   

       *** NOTE ***                            CP =       1.703   TIME= 21:10:02
       The model data was checked and warning messages were found.            
        Please review output or errors file (                                 
       ectScratchScrED20file0.err ) for these warning messages.    


      But when I try to find this error file, the folder " ProjectScratch" can not be found in my computer.


      Looking forwards to your reply.


    • peteroznewman

      These are warnings not errors and can be ignored.

    • Aniket
      Forum Moderator

      uwindsorspz, In addition to what Peter has told, you can check the file.err file in the solver file directory and open it with notepad. To get to solver file directory, right click on the solution branch of the tree and click "Open Solver File Directory".


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    • uwindsorspz
      ***** FATAL ERROR *****n Call to fAnsMemAlloc with negative length= -935352604n This is probably due to an integer overflow inn the calculation of the block size.n The data type is= 3 and the block name= lsclfac nnnHello, above is the fatal error. Could you help me to figure out what happened about it?n
    • Ashwinkumar Patil
       *****  FATAL ERROR  *****
        Call to fAnsMemAlloc with negative length=         -1568559951
        This is probably due to an integer overflow in
         the calculation of the block size.
        The data type is=   3 and the block name= modElemMatPertOb
        A traceback follows:
       Current ANSYS Traceback:
      Getting above fatal error message. Can anybody help
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