

Topics related to geometry, meshing, and CAD.

airfoil spliting

    • veera


      now i am recently working on 3d swept back wing in that , during mesh generation , i am getting trailing edge skew , so anybody help me to get good quality mesh with inflation over the wing 

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      can you please insert zoomed in image of the area where you are getting skew elements. 

      check orthogonal quality. min ortho quality should be more than 0.1

    • veera

      thank you for your response , at the trailing edge only i am getting skewness , but other quality parameters are good 

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      still image is not clear. 

      these bad element may be coming due to angle at the trailing edge. 

      you may need some geometry modification at the trailing edge like remove some material at trailing edge by cutting by a plane. 

      what is min orthogonal quality in your mesh? if it is more than 0.1 then it is good. 

    • veera

      orthogonal quality is more than one only , but skewness only affecting the mesh ..maximum .0.95 , the number of elements failing is 140 ...among 5 lack element in the mesh , so as your suggestion , i have to cut the trailing edge with plane wright , but how can i modify that as they gave original size , if i am cutting the trailing edge , it will affect cl and cd value wright ?

      any other way to reduce the skewness?


    • veera

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      what is minimum orthogonal quality in your mesh?

    • veera

      for me  0.14


    • veera

      skewness 0.93

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      if min orthogonal quality is more than 0.1 then no need to improve it further. 

      you can move to solver. 

    • veera

       then what about skewness sir, see above problem skewness is 0.93 . i am studied about we need to keep the skewness less than 0.84 

      and then if you are telling i can run the the problem with only orthogonal quality  wright?

      if yes means up-to what limit i dont want to consider the skewness

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      please do not consider skewness. 

      consider only min orthogoanal quality and proceed. 

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