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3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

airflow valve problem with solids

    • kasper haack

      Hello I have this control valve that I would like to test the air flow through, but the bottom part is not recognized by discovery even with the correct material assigned, what am I doing wrong?

      I have attached geometry file and discovery file here


    • Devendra Badgujar
      Forum Moderator

      Hello Kasper, 

      The bottom part not recognised means you are not able to model it or the flow is passign incorretly through it? Can you share the error image if any from Discovery to understand this better?



    • kasper haack

      Hi Devenda 

      The air is passing strait through the bottom part even its defined as a solid and as an component in the model tree.I can select it and move it etc. 

      The image is at the top of the tread, its supressing the geometry by some reason, a have atached the .sat and the discovery file at the top in the sharepoint link.

      Iam not getting any errors in Discovery when geometry is checked :/ 

      Best Regards 



    • Devendra Badgujar
      Forum Moderator

      Hi Kasper, 

      We cannot donwload the files from here. I would recommend try increasing fidelity to see if that helps.

      If you can share the details of model tree and physics tree that will help here. Also, how does the flow exists from the valve? 



    • kasper haack

      Hi Devendra

      iam running fidelity at extreme set from global, its a combined geometry the inlet is at the pipe end and the oulet is at the end "wall" 


    • Devendra Badgujar
      Forum Moderator

      Hi Kasper, 

      Try setting it to standard global settings and increase the fidelity from the slider below to maximum. Looks like the valve is not getting captured and so the flow is passing through it. You can use it as as a Cutter bodies instead and assign a Local fidelity (BETA option) if you are using the 2024.1 version. 

      Try solving it with above suggestions and let me know if that helps. 



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