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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Air flow caused by heat source in closed volume

    • Matej JuriÅ¡ta

      Hello, I have some questions about my case. I have closed volume ( in photo one) that consist of enclosure, fluid and then some solids, contact is only on LED to PCB to heat sink and then all solids has contact to fluid, if I understand it right. I also know that heat dissipation from LED will be 10W from each ( there are two of them). I want to simulate heat transfer from LED to PCB and then to Heat sink which are all solids. Then I want to know how the air flow of the fluid will be looking and also temperature, ideally not like on the last photo. I think I have problem with boundary settings. I made shared toplogy in spaceclaim (photo 2). I want to ask about update boundaries (photo 3), if LED-PCB and PCB-heat sink should be interface and all others wall? For all advice how to solve this case I will be thankful.   





    • Federico
      Ansys Employee


      if you share topology in SpaceClaim, then you would not need to set the boundaries as interface, as you will have wall/shadow pairs on any solid-to-any contacts.

      If you do not have shared topology, then you can set these as interfaces but you would then need to create a Mesh Interface in Fluent for non-conformal contacts.

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