We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.


Topics related to Lumerical and more.

After installing Lumerical, I encountered a problem starting FDTD

    • lumos zhang

      Error: Failed to checkout feature "lumerical gui'

      Request name lumerical gui does not exist in thelicensing pool.

      Invalid (inconsistent) license key.

      The license key and data for the feature do not match.

      This usually happens when a license file has beenaltered.

      Feature:lumerical guiLicense

      path: 1055@localhost;

      FlexNet Licensing error:-8,544

      Would you like to reconfigure your license settings?


      What should I do to solve it?

      My email is “zslahl@163.com”

    • Lito
      Ansys Employee

      @lumos zhang,

      Based on the information you provided, you are running the Ansys license manager on port 1055 on your local computer (1055@localhost) and not on a different license server. 

      1. Please delete ALL the "Lumerical preference.ini" files from your user's folder on your computer. 
        >Ansys Lumerical product preference files – Ansys Optics 
      2. Open Ansys Optics Launcher and configure Lumerical as shown in the Knowledge Base (KB).
        >Lumerical license configuration with the Ansys Optics Launcher – Ansys Optics   
        **If the Ansys license manager is up and running and hosting the licenses on the same local computer, re-enter localhost - Apply and Restart the Launcher when prompted
      3. The Launcher should automatically detect the correct license type that is running on the Ansys LM on your local computer. 

      Hope this helps. 

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