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AEDT Remote/Distributed Simultation Licensing Error

    • Bill Perkins

      I'm trying to execute a simulation on a server using the RSM service. 

      Both my local machine and the server have ADET 2023 R2 installed. Both machines can run a local simulation and are successfully pulling licenses from the same license server when running a local simulation. The RSM service is installed on the server and passes the service checks (responds to pings, AnsoftRSMService is alive, AnsoftRSMService is configured to allow remote solves, HFSSCOMENGINE:2023.2 is registered and available, result message: "Success! All tests successful").

      When I attempt to execute a remote simulation on the server I get the following error: 

      [error] Project:tune_coax_fed_patch, Design:HFSSDesign1 (Hybrid Modal Network), Could not connect to license server: 54930@LOCAL_MACHINE_NAME. Host not found.

      I ran the license diagnostics on both machines and both communicate with the license server to pull various licenses (electronics_desktop, electronics_3d_gui, etc..).  There are plenty of licenses electronics_desktop and anshpc licenses avaliable from the server.

      The license diagnostics have the following anshpc releated fields:

      2024/06/26 14:30:37    NOTICE              HPC Parametric context created with id 112af40d-1748-4585-b0be-94062d5c976c.                 2/3/3/3   9132:9132:ANSYSEDT.EXE:local_machine_username@LOCAL_MACHINE_NAME:winx64                             
      2024/06/26 14:30:37    NOTICE              Parallel preference for HPC Parametric context with id 112af40d-1748-4585-b0be-94062d5c976c has been set to anshpc.                 2/3/3/3                                                                                                  
      2024/06/26 14:31:34    NOTICE              HPC Parametric context, id 112af40d-1748-4585-b0be-94062d5c976c, has been closed                 2/3/3/3   9132:9132:ANSYSEDT.EXE:local_machine_username@LOCAL_MACHINE_NAME:winx64

      I attempted entering my domain login credentials in Tools>Options>General Options, but that had no effect on my ability to run the simulation.

    • MangeshANSYS
      Ansys Employee


      Can you try setting the environment variables on both the systems.  


      then stop and start ansoftrsmservice. and then try runing again

      hope this helps

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