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AEDT – Maxwell 3D Update Link to SpaceClaim Model

    • johann.asam

      Hi there,

      I have a CAD model created in SpaceClaim that is linked into Maxwell 3D. This is very nice because if I change something on the model, I can easily update it in Maxwell 3D without having to redo all the assignments again. But now I have the problem that if I move the SpaceClaim model to a different location and try to update it in Maxwell (right click -> Generate), Maxwell throws an error message: "Submodel: Unable to open document. Please close all open SpaceClaim sessions and try again".

      Is there a way to update the location information of the underlying SpaceClaim model so that I can just update it in Maxwell and don't have to import it again?

    • Jason.k
      Ansys Employee

      Hello JAs,

      I tried to reproduce your issue and I found that the connection between AEDT and SpaceClaim seems to operate appropriately.
      The error comes when the SpaceClaim file has changed location while the connection between SpaceClaim and AEDT is considered Active

      Please, make sure that before changing the path (the location) of the SpaceClaim model you have saved the desired changes in SpaceClaim and you have closed the session (the connection) between SpaceClaim and AEDT by closing the AEDT Session. In other words, just make sure that there is no active connection between the models.

      After the forced (desired) interruption between the sessions, you will be able to move the SpaceClaim file to an another location. After you do so, open again the AEDT providing a connection in the Active Session. A new connection should be established with no issues.

      Kind regards,

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