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AEDT 2024 R2: Fixing error when loading the antenna array dynamic link tutorial

    • zenzelex


      The following error pops up when I try to analyze the "AEDT 2021 R2: HFSS_Passive RF Circuits_EN_ILT\M02_Antennas\Circuit_and_HFSS_solved" project. It runs fine on the 2023 R1 version of the software. Please advise on how to fix this problem or roll back to the 2023 R1 version.

    • Gia
      Ansys Employee

      There is no way to revert a project back to a previous version once it has been saved in a later version.


      Additional information will be needed to debug the software crash. - Does the crash occur when opening the project, or only when attempting to solve one of the designs in the project?


      What is the name of the specific project file (*.aedt) that is experiencing this error?

    • zenzelex

      The file is Circuit_and_HFSS_start.aedt and the error occurs during the dynamic linking process after copying the EM patch simulation into the network simulation Circuit1. It occurs when I right click on analysis and click Analyze. I am currently using the 20223 R2 version with a professional license.

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