We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.
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Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

Additive Prep Inactive

    • lcrisostomo9564

      When I go into SpaceClaim to check/uncheck additive prep, it shows that it is inactive. How do I activate it?

    • Gary_S
      Ansys Employee

      From the Additive Prep User Guide > Licensing....

      The Additive Prep application is implemented as a tab in SpaceClaim. You need to have an appropriate license for the Additive tab to appear. Additive Prep is included with Additive Suite and Additive Print licenses. It is also available separately as an add-on to SpaceClaim. See your Ansys Channel Partner to find out about your licensing options.

      Even if you have a proper license, the Additive Prep application is not enabled by default. To enable the application, in SpaceClaim, click File > SpaceClaim Options > License and then check Additive Prep. Click OK. (If the Additive Prep option appears grayed out, it means you do not have a proper license.) The option is "sticky" in that once you have checked the box, it will remain checked each time you open SpaceClaim, until you clear the box.

      • lcrisostomo9564



        Thank you for your response. I checked Additive Prep in th License tab in SpaceClaim but additive prep within the add-ins is still grayed out. If I'm able to check box Additive Prep in License, does that mean we have that license? We also have Additive 2024 R1 downloaded on our school computers.


    • Gary_S
      Ansys Employee


      From: ProductToFeatureMap-2024-10-15OCT2024PDF.pdf

      Please check your license keys for these features: 
      Ansys Additive Suite    a_spaceclaim_dirmod 
      Ansys Additive Suite    am_module 
      Ansys Additive Suite    am_prep 
      Ansys Additive Suite    am_print 

    • haint.kaia

      It looks like you have the Additive Prep license checked in SpaceClaim, but if the add-in is still grayed out, it may indicate that the required license keys (e.g., am_prep from Ansys Additive Suite) are not properly activated. I recommend checking your license server or contacting your IT admin to verify that the correct license keys are available and assigned to your user.

      Edited by basketball stars 1 day ago

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