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General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Additive manufacturing DWELL TIME

    • mashetty


      I am working on the addtive manufactruing simulation related to metal deposition. I have tried printing a single layer of metal using apdl commands and customized(Hybrid) heat source. Now i am lookin to add dwell time in between layers. I have come across the ansys in built AMBUILD command(AMBUILD,TIME,Var1(Dwelltime)). This is not working for my simulaiton. However i am looking for a more generalized way of doing it instead of using ambuild. Can you please let me know, how to add dwell time in the simulation of additive manufacturing , which is used for cooling of the material to some degree in the mean time. 


      Thanks in advance.

    • John Doyle
      Ansys Employee

      I would recommend setting up am AM test case in WB-Mechanical that incorporates dwelltime as prescribed in the Mechanical GUI=>AMProcess Details window and is working successfully.  Then refer to the corresponding ds.dat file for the proper execution of all the AM related commands for this standard test.  The commands should look something like the following:

      Compare this with your customized approach to try to discern what might be missing. 

      I am not sure what you are doing with "...apdl commands and customized(Hybrid) heat source" and how that is working (or not working) with the execution of 'AMBUILD,time,,,' to incorporate dwelltime, but it might not be possible if some of the other AMBUILD commands are missing and/or out of order.

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