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Additive Manufacturing DED Process Problems

    • Titouan Cougoulic


      I have a problem with my additive manufacturing simulation. I used the DED process add-on with a G-code. Clusters have been well created and all running good until I start the transient thermal solve. I use the 2022 R2 version of ANSYS.

      Indeed when I start it, an error message appear : "Additive Manufacturing is not available for this product". Nevertheless, I followed the additive manufacturing user manual and I don't think I missed a step. Below the entire error message. 

       *** FATAL ***                                          CP =       0.047   TIME= 09:47:41
       Additive Manufacturing is not available for this product.              

       The above error is non-recoverable by ANSYS                            
        ANSYS run terminated by the indicated error                           
        Current data base saved if possible.                                  

      What does this message mean? Is it a problem of license or an other problem ?

      Thank for your answered and your time.

    • Saurabh Patil
      Ansys Employee


      Can you try closing additive window and open %appdata% and change the name of the ansys_additive to ansys_additive_old and try it running again. 



      • Titouan Cougoulic

        Thank for your answer.

        I use the workbench with "AM DED Process" in the Custom Systems Part and ANSYS Mechanical, so I don't see what you talk about with the additive window. Below some image to illustrate.


    • Titouan Cougoulic

      Thank for your answer.

      I use the workbench with "AM DED Process" in the Custom Systems Part and ANSYS Mechanical, so I don't see what you talk about with the additive window. Below some image to illustrate.

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