3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

Adding permanent identifiers to bodies, faces and edges


    • herman

      In Spaceclaim all items like IDesignBodies, Designbodies, bodies, IDesignFaces, DesignFaces, Faces, IDesignEdges .......

      can be recognized by their hashcode. It seems that those hashcodes are generated randomly as soon as the drawing is reopened. Am I correct, or do i miss something? Is their a possibility in Spaceclaim to 'lock' the hashcodes. If not, is it possible to put a custom identifier (eg Guid) to each individual object (face, edge...) via code? (equal to a custom property to a part)

    • Subashni Ravichandran
      Forum Moderator

      Hello Herman Moors

      Let me check this from my end and get back to you.

    • Subashni Ravichandran
      Forum Moderator

      Hello Herman Moors

      Are you referring to these bar codes?

      If so, the data for this can be changed in the settings as shown

    • herman

      Hello Subashni,

      Thanx for your reply. No, I'm not referring to bar codes. We want to store the faces hashcode in a database. When someone has remarks about a certain face in the model, we can retreive the hashcode from the database, and search for the particular face in the model to change color of the face.

    • Subashni Ravichandran
      Forum Moderator

      Hello Herman Moors

      I understand now, that you are trying to refer tot he faces using the hexadecimal code of the face in scripting. 

      Instead, you can refer to the faces as below. 

      Example: GetRootPart().Bodies[1].Faces[3]
      This should give you the 4th face of 2nd body in the structure tree.

      Is this helpful to you?

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