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ACT Wizard: Machine Toolkit Error

    • hkanakri

      Hi all,

      I have a problem with the machine toolkit, when start up the Wizard I got the following error

      *Global - Messages

       [error] ACT Wizard: ERROR: Error when invoking function 'InitUI'.  

       [error] ACT Wizard: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
       File "C:Program FilesAnsysEMAnsysEM21.2Win64syslibACTMachineToolkitcallbacks.py", line 94, in InitUI
      StandardError: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.  

       [error] ACT Wizard: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
       File "C:Program FilesAnsysEMAnsysEM21.2Win64syslibACTMachineToolkitcallbacks.py", line 94, in InitUI
      AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'GetModule'  

      Any idea how to solve it? I am using Ansys Electronics Desktop 2021 R2.

      Thank you!

    • Navya C
      Ansys Employee
      Hi @Haitham_Kanakri Please check the following.
      Are you able to run the simulation without any errors before initiating the toolkit?
      If you are loading the toolkit on an inbuilt example problem. you should first save the example file in a different location before you initiate the toolkit.
      If you are facing the issue for a new design, please turn off all the firewalls and try. Run Ansys as an admin. If the problem still persists reinstall AEDT and check.
      Regards Navya
    • hkanakri
      Hello Navya,
      Thank you for your reply!
      yes, no errors before initiating the toolkit.
      Sure. I always do that.
      Yes, the firewall causing issues running the machine toolkit. I run Ansys as admin and it solved the issues.
      Thank you so much! :)
      Best Regards Haitham
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