Ansys Free Student Software

Ansys Free Student Software

Topics cover installation and configuration of our free student products.

Account deletion

    • bhattdevik


      I would like to delete my account because i won't be using anymore, and I don't see anywhere on the profile site to do it.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Just checking into that. I (as Admin) have tools to remove any signs of you ever being here but not to simply lock and close the account. I don't want to do the former as that hides any learning tips in your thread(s) for other users. 

      As an aside. Student licence, and the Forum, is for anyone to learn the tools, it's not just for those studying for a degree at whatever level. 

    • bhattdevik

      Okay that is fine as I have changed my mind on deleting my account.

      Thank you Rob

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