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acceptable error range in numerical simulation of multiphase flows

    • Masooma_Qizilbash12

      hi awl;

      coming straight to point. i want to ask that can anybody provide me the refernce papers that discussed the error analysis in modelling of particle size distribution in multiphase flows. i have modelled particle size distribution and got an error less than 15 % now i want to search from the literature that is this range acceptable ... please help if any body knows about it ... thank you....i got median diameters between exp and simulation less than 5 % 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Other than the papers referenced in the manuals (which I've not read and can't provide) I'm not aware of additional materials - I'd advise doing a literature survey from the library. 

      In terms of error, as well as the difference in values between CFD and experiment you also need to carefully consider the difference in assumptions and set up. In the experiment I might collect and then measure particles using a cascade impactor or sieve; does that alter the size distribution? Have I assumed something in the CFD model that's perhaps not a good option (fixed density for example)? 

    • Masooma_Qizilbash12

      yeah rob thank you for the reply i have seen few artices but there is not a proper informaion available regarding i just need to see that how much the relative error or absolute error is acceptable in multiphase flows.... i have calculated interquartile ranges and all the necessary errors for all the cases and also the median is median enoguh to discuss in the thesis?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      I can't answer that - it's one to discuss with your supervisor. 

    • Masooma_Qizilbash12

      ok thank you Rob,

      please close this loop 



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