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General Mechanical

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Access results from previously converged time step when the problem fails to con

    • Sergio Blanco

      Deal all,

      I'm sorry if I am asking a very basic question, but I am not able to solve it alone. I have a non-linear problem (fracture SMART) that fails to converge at certain time step. I'd like to access the results to the previously converged time steps but I am not able to do so. I can only access the results from all time steps if the problem success to converge until the end of the simulation. Is there any way or option so I can access the previously converged results from my simulation even though at some point the simulation fails to converge?

      Thank you very much for your help.

      Best regards,


    • wrbulat
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Sergio,

      No apologies necessary - this kind of code behavior mystifies me as well. I'll offer you two options:

      1) You could very likely open the incomplete results file in MAPDL. From the start button, choose ANSYS yyyy release > Mechanical APDL Product Launcher. In the launcher dialogue, browse to the Solver Files Directory used by your project and click Run:


      When the MAPDL GUI comes up you can read any of the existing results from the results file for post processing:



      You can then create countour plots of results and reorient the viewing direction with the Pan-Zoom-Rotate dialogue box:

      2) Read the results file into Mechanical (click on the "Toolbox" icon in the image below):



      In the drop-down, choose "Read Results Files". You might want to locate/review the Help article below:


      I hope this helps,



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