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About Voltage curve in my battery simulation

    • Manoj Kumar Desu

      I have set all parameters in my ansys fluent battery module and the min voltage was set to 2.8V yet in the voltage graph the curve is reaching below the set voltage upto 0.5V can you please help me with it and I am also attaching the screenshots of the set parameters (Google drive link).parameter photos

    • Murari Iyengar
      Ansys Employee

      Which version of Fluent are you using? I recommend to switch to 23R2, the latest version if you are using an older one. 

    • Manoj Kumar Desu

      Thank you sir for helping me out but i am using the latest version 23R2 version of ansys,please help me with that error

    • Murari Iyengar
      Ansys Employee

      Can you share some screenshots of your battery model dialogue box? Which model and sub-model are you using? Are you using external data for parameter identification? If so, what does the parameter graphs look like? As Ansys staff, we are not permitted to access any external links due to security reasons. 

    • Manoj Kumar Desu




    • Murari Iyengar
      Ansys Employee

      The issue you're experiencing might be related to the experimental discharge period being too short, resulting in insufficient data to fit the curves. This could be due to a unit problem or an insufficient number of experimental data points. To have a meaningful discharge curve, the time period should cover a good portion of the Depth of Discharge (DOD) range. A good rule of thumb is to cover at least 80% of the depth of discharge curve at each charge rate (C-rate). If the battery is assumed to discharge to DOD=0.2, for instance, the sample period for C-rate=0.1 should be 0.8*3600/0.1 seconds, and for C-rate=1, it should be 0.8*3600 seconds. Note that the unit of time in the tool is always in seconds, so all discharge data should obey this convention. What do your curves look like?

    • Manoj Kumar Desu
    • Manoj Kumar Desu

      Thank you sir for your reply and i have tried everyting in the manner you have mentioned me but still i couldnt get the graph untill stop voltage. I have set the stop voltage parameter to 3V but the graph was stopping at around 2.75V. I have attached my results in the below images.


    • Manoj Kumar Desu

      sorry sir in the above parameter i have taken dod as 80% but i have rectified it and set it as 20% and tried the simulation again but the problem hasnt rectified yet. I am attaching the photos of the simulation below.


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